Measures against Cargo Theft at Shipping and Receiving Docks

Posted on Wednesday, November 11th

According to the latest statistics, the risk of cargo theft at shipping and receiving docks has reached quite alarming levels and appears to be yet to increase. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important that precautions be taken to limit the losses as much as possible. It should be noted that thefts and pilferages result in more than just cargo losses, there being insurance costs and investigative costs that must be dealt with as well. In fact, such events can strike at the very heart of businesses, just-in-time businesses in particular. So here are some prevention measures that can be taken to keep the losses under control.

Build honest relationships between shipping and receiving staff members

Honest relationships between workers at the two shipping ends stand out as your main weapon against cargo theft or pilferage. Start by approaching the front line workers at the docks and getting them to trust you while remembering that you do not want them to think you are monitoring their every move. This attitude will enable you to also make sure that everyone is doing their work properly and safely. In addition, you can motivate your staff to be honest by explaining the impact of potential cargo losses on their revenues, their job security, as well as the company's profitability. You can even reward them for checking on other employees acting suspiciously. Many companies do it. You might want to take this aspect into consideration as you employ new people. You can check the candidates' backgrounds, interview them bearing this aspect in mind and eventually employ only those candidates who seem to be committed to helping your company achieve success.

Secure your warehouses properly

Another highly effective strategy against cargo theft is to take additional measures to ensure proper security of the warehouses accommodating your cargo. Such measures may include the use of secure lockers, cages or partitions, among many others, to ensure the protection of your cargo before shipping, processing or storing. The use of surveillance cameras and dome mirrors to monitor the staff members who have access to the cargo is also recommended, as are regular inspections. In this context, it is important that you do not leave items unattended or unsecured for extended lengths of time for such thefts can occur very rapidly. Moreover, you want to make sure no outsiders have access to your cargo, truck drivers included. This is a critical proactive step to ensure its protection at all times.

Conduct proper due diligence

Everyone will agree that leaving goods unattended is a major mistake, but failing to conduct proper due diligence is an unforgivable one. Training the employees to take the necessary precautions against cargo theft is a must, as is checking that everyone who comes into contact with the cargo is allowed to be there. These are some of the main prevention measures that can be taken against cargo theft at shipping and receiving docks, though it should be noted that there are no infallible solutions to this problem. However, these strategies will help minimise the losses and should keep thieves away from your cargo.

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