5 Tips on How to Get Courier Delivery Work

Posted on Tuesday, July 28th

You have set up your business and you are anxious to provide your services on the courier delivery market. You have the motivation, everything is in place and you want to be successful. Well, here are some tips on how to get as many courier delivery jobs as you want.

Tip no. 1: Try custom notepads

Not only are custom notepads a lot of fun, but they do not cost too much either. All you have to do is to write down the name of your business and your contact details at the top of each page and then pass them along to your prospects as you meet them. This way, they will stumble upon your business name and contact details whenever they need to write something down, be it an idea, a to-do list, a phone number or anything else. And they will address their courier needs to you.

Tip no. 2: Use magnetic signs

Try placing ads on your vehicle so that people can check them out while stuck in traffic. Magnetic signs are bound to be effective. And they are available for as little as 60 USD. Therefore, they make for another fun and cheap advertising tool.

Tip no. 3: Contact hospitals and medical centres

Couriers play a very important role within the medical industry, where medical products, lab samples and many more must be delivered at the shortest notice. Often times, they must be delivered "stat", i.e. within the hour, and just as often, the medical professionals are unavailable to handle these deliveries. So, there is a lot of prospect for you as a courier there.

Tip no. 4: Write press releases

Press releases make for fun and inexpensive advertising tools too. As a matter of fact, you can write them yourself and save yourself the money. They should include details about the kinds of services you provide, their advantages, as well as special features of your business. Once you have written them, contact the local newspaper. They might publish a favourable article about you and your courier business. This way, you get to advertise it for free. Moreover, there is a big chance that people will remember you and your business in the future.

Tip no. 5: Offer your courier services to the elderly

The elderly tend to lose their independence as they advance in age and may need help with their shopping, dry cleaning or medicines. Therefore, you can try providing senior errand services as well. In fact, you can run errands for both them and yourself at the same time while earning good money. And they will spread the word about your business within the communities they are part of. There are many tips on how to find courier delivery jobs to grow your business. Start by trying out these ones and you will see just how effective they are. It will not be too long before the phones start ringing and customers come seeking your courier services in large numbers.

Questions? We're here to help. Email office@parcel-link.co.uk or call (0)1753299456

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