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Parcel Delivery to the USA
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If you need to send a package to the USA but don't know where to start, let Parcel-link.co.uk help. Perhaps you need to send some samples to a trade show or maybe it's a gift for somebody special? From Boston to Baltimore, New York to Nevada, we offer a fast, friendly, efficient and highly competitive alternative to any traditional courier that will ensure that your goods reach their destination safely and on time every time. What's more, we use the most trusted and recognised companies in the business so that you can have total peace of mind every step of the way. Our Worldwide Air Freight option is suitable for items of every size, shape and description going to the USA and you can track your goods from the start of their journey to the end, using the tracking number which is sent to you after booking.
All our customer's goods are treated with the utmost importance and a lower price doesn't mean a compromise on our high standards. Every shipment is handled by our experienced team who quickly process your freight through our warehouse without delay. Helped by our online booking system we are able to provide different options so you can enjoy the benefits of highly competitive prices and fast transit times. So, whether you are planning to send regular business shipments or are looking to send a one-off consignment to meet an important deadline, a quote from our system for Worldwide Air Freight is just a few clicks away and booking couldn't be easier.
If it's the fastest possible delivery for a critical shipment that you are looking for, then our Worldwide Air Express alternative can provide the solution. Shipping your goods within a reliable and confirmed timeframe is guaranteed and online tracking enables you to check the progress of your items at all times. We use the world's most recognised courier companies to provide you with complete peace of mind and the most direct routes are always used, saving many hours of travel time. Items of any size or shape can be delivered to any destination within the USA and we believe that we offer a highly competitive choice that is hard to beat.
If you are planning to send goods of value and wish to arrange additional insurance cover of up to £10,000.00 or cover over this amount, we will be happy to help either online or via a quote based on your individual needs. Worldwide Air Express is available to both business and private customers, whether you are looking to send regular consignments or if this is a one-off shipment. What's more, our dedicated customer care team is available at the end of the phone to help you every step of the way, including with customs clearance forms. Everything is included in the price, so there is no need for you to select a broker and fill out time-consuming paperwork - we will do everything for you. Whatever your requirements are in sending a large or small box to any location in America, we can help.
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